Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Statement Released Today from Ngabe-Bugle Peoples (Spanish Language)

Comunicado al país
Comarca Ngäbe Bugle, M10

M10 por la defensa de los recursos hídricos y ambientales de la Comarca Ngäbe Bugle y Campesino

El Movimiento 10 de Abril para la Defensa del Rio Tabasara hace conocer al país la decisión en torno a la situación de las comunidades afectadas por el proyecto hidroeléctrico Barro Blanco.  En la que el gobierno viola el artículo 127 de la Constitución y las normas jurídicas de las tierras colectivas y la Comarca Ngäbe Bugle. En vista de la dilatación del proceso del peritaje y el avance arbitrario e impuesto del proyecto Barro Blanco por parte  del gobierno;  violando el espíritu del acuerdo del 15 de marzo del 2012 del proyecto Barro Blanco y obtenido el informe de Verificación de Campo es suficiente para la cancelación inmediata de dicho proyecto por la cual proponemos lo siguiente:

1.     Respecto a las afectaciones causadas por  el proyecto Barro Blanco el gobierno y GENISA aducía que no había comunidades afectadas, ni habría reasentamientos, ni afectaciones de patrimonios culturales, cementerios, sitios sagrados, la cual conllevo a realizar la mesa técnica para la revisión y evaluación del Estudio del Impacto Ambiental (EIA) con carácter de urgencia para reconocer la responsabilidad, seriedad que los consultores de la empresa hicieron del levantamiento de la información del EIA (Acuerdo firmado el 15 de marzo 2012).
2.     Por lo cual exigimos la cancelación inmediata del proyecto hidroeléctrico Barro Blanco.
3.     Por consiguiente también solicitamos la derogación del proyecto de ley 504 y la suspensión de los proyectos hidroeléctricos en la comarca, áreas anexas y áreas campesinas. Ejemplo, Chan 2, Tabasara 2, San Pablo, Rio Cobre, El estrecho de Viguí, Rio Fonseca, Rio Chorcha, Rio San Félix,  el Rio Rey y otros proyectos que se pretende a realizar en el país
4.     Las comunidades afectadas responsabilizan al gobierno holandés y sus bancos asociados (FMO, DEG y BCIE) como responsables de las afectaciones socio-ambientales y los derechos de los pueblos indígenas y las represiones que están sufriendo la población por parte del gobierno panameño.
5.     Pedimos el apoyo a las organizaciones solidarias de diferentes puntos de la nación que se unan a nuestra lucha y las bases organizadas a nivel nacional.

Dado en la comunidad de Cerro Venado, Corregimiento de Bakama a las 11 horas del día 17 de marzo del 2013

Movimiento 10 de Abril, Congreso y Organizaciones
“sin lucha no hay victoria”

Rough Translation:

M10 for the defense of water resources and environmental Ngäbe Bugle and Peasant

The April 10 Movement for the Defense of Rio Tabasara know the country makes the decision about the situation of communities affected by the Barro Blanco hydroelectric project. In the government violates Article 127 of the Constitution and the legislation of collective lands and Bugle Ngäbe. In view of the expansion of the survey process and progress and imposed arbitrary Barro Blanco project by the government, violating the spirit of the agreement of March 15, 2012 Barro Blanco project and obtained the field verification report is sufficient to immediate cancellation of the project for which we propose the following:

1.      With respect to the damages caused by the Barro Blanco project GENISA government and argued that there were communities affected, nor would relocations, or encumbrances of cultural heritage, cemeteries, sacred sites, which ultimately led to perform the technical committee for review and assessment Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) as a matter of urgency to recognize the responsibility seriously as business consultants made ​​the gathering of information from EIA (Agreement signed on March 15, 2012).
2.      Therefore we demand the immediate cancellation of the Barro Blanco hydroelectric project.
3.      Therefore we also request the repeal of Bill 504 and the suspension of the hydroelectric projects in the region, surrounding areas and rural areas. Example, Chan 2, Tabasara 2, San Pablo, Rio Cobre, Vigui Strait , Rio Fonseca, Chorcha Rio, Rio San Felix Rey River and other projects that are intended to make at home
4.      Affected communities blame the Dutch government and its partner banks (FMO, DEG and BCIE) as responsible for the damages socio-environmental and indigenous peoples' rights and the repression that people are suffering from the Panamanian government.
5.      We support solidarity organizations from different parts of the nation to join in our struggle and organized nationwide basis.

Since the community of Cerro Venado, Township of Bakama at 11 hours a day March 17, 2013

April 10th Movement, Congress and Organizations
"Without struggle there is no victory"

March 18th FILM and Update on Panama & Barrio Blanco

From: Richard Arghiris <richardarghiris@hotmail.com>
Subject: Indigenous communities under threat
To: "undisclosed recipients"
 Date: Monday, March 18, 2013, 12:36 PM

Dear all,

I would like to share some news regarding the plight of several indigenous Ngabe and campesino communities who are under extreme threat from illegal dam development out here in Panama.

In less than two months, the 28.85 megawatt Barro Blanco hydroelectric dam will cut off the flow of the Tabasara river and create a 258 hectare reservoir, flooding numerous homes, precious gallery forests, schools, churches, cemeteries, archaeological sites, and fertile agricultural land that the communities rely upon for subsistence agriculture – these facts have been confirmed by a recent UN field study. The dam will also exterminate vital fish species which form a staple of local diets.

The company responsible for the dam, Genisa, denies it is taking food out of the mouths of Panama’s poorest people, yet it has never consulted any of the affected communities. As such, the project contravenes international and national laws.

Despite striking omissions in the project's environmental impact assessment, the Panamanian government continues to side with the company and are currently militarising the area with heavily armed SENAFRONT police troops. Recent clashes with riot squads have left some Ngabe protesters with injuries and the situation remains tense. We are concerned about the on-going safety of the Ngabe as they appear to be willing to sacrifice their own lives to prevent the completion of this project.

I would be extremely grateful if you could take some time to watch and share a recently released 40 minute documentary (links below), Nagare Barro Blanco, filmed in the indigenous and campesino settlements of Kia, Nuevo Palomar, and Calabacito in February 2013. It explores the endangered culture of the Tabasará communities, their fierce resistance to dam development, and their willingness to protect their natural resources and way of life at any cost. I realise some of you are very busy, but fortunately the makers have also released a 2 minute trailer.

Thank you for your time,

Richard Arghiris

NAGARE BARRO BLANCO - 2 MINUTE TRAILER:http://vimeo.com/62037639
NAGARE BARRO BLANCO - FULL FILM: http://vimeo.com/61954954


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Video & Petition to Stop Barrio Blanco Dam by Indigenous Ngabe

Urgent Request for Action from Panama

[From MPT partner organization for operations in Panama, 
Collective Voices for Peace, Director Diane Dunn]

I just signed the following petition -- 

Ngabe-Bugle Request Solidarity to Halt Barro Blanco Hydroelectric Project, Panama

Will you join me?

Click here to find out more and sign: http://bit.ly/ZF8dtt

Thanks so much,

Diane Dunn
Collective Voices for Peace

Please visit this link to the high definition version of the video
about the current critical situation with the Barrio Blanco Dam: